County Seat: Albert Lea
Other Cities: Alden, Clarks Grove, Conger, Emmons, Freeborn, Geneva, Glenville, Hartland, Hayward,
Hollandale, Manchester, Myrtle, Twin Lakes
Freeborn County
155.640 97.4 Freeborn County Sheriff
155.010 97.4 Freeborn County Sheriff
154.190 146.2 Freeborn County Fire
155.385 173.8 Albert Lea Medical Center
155.280 Mayo Foundation
156.180 Freeborn County Highway
City of Albert Lea
154.875 City of Albert Lea
155.880 97.4 City of Albert Lea
State of Minnesota
154.920 136.5 MN State Patrol Rochester
160.950 311 MN State Patrol Air Ops
151.190 MN DNR
151.370 MN DNR
151.415 MN DNR
151.055 173.8 MN DOT